Learning & Education

Supporting education and workforce development is a key priority for the City of Everett. The City works closely with the Everett and Mukilteo School Districts, as well as local higher-education partners. 
Third grade reading
Share of third grade students meeting or exceeding reading standards. Third grade reading is important because by the fourth grade, children are expected to read to learn, and those who can't will fall behind. Research has shown that children who aren't proficient by the end of third grade are four times more likely to not graduate from high school than proficient readers. For that reason it is often used as an early warning indicator of high school graduation rates. Third grade reading data retrieved from the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction.
How is Everett School District trending?
Since 2015 the percentage of third grade students meeting or exceeding reading standards in the Everett School District is trending higher and is higher than Washington State.

High school graduation
High school graduation is defined as the number of students graduating on time (after four years of high school), as a percentage of their cohort. Educational attainment has long been seen as a key factor in economic mobility, as high school graduation rates are correlated with improved social and economic life outcomes. High school graduates are also more likely to vote, be healthier, and commit fewer crimes. High school graduation data retrieved from the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction.
How is Everett School District trending?

Since 2013 the percentage of high school students graduating on time in the Everett School District is trending higher and is higher than Washington State.

Library circulation per capita
This is the number of library materials lent to the number of persons the library serves. It is the annual circulation divided by the library's legal service area population, and indicates the average number of loans made to each resident annually.
Circulation per capita per year is a feasible measure of library use that indicates a significant type of individual behavior, both in establishing an administrative relationship to a library, and in using library materials. Library circulation per capita data retrieved from the Washington Secretary of State.
How is Everett trending?

Library circulation per capita has trended lower since 2012 in Everett and is lower than Washington State and the Sno-Isle Library system.

Internet access
Percentage of population with access to download speed greater than 100 Mbps at home (as of 2018). The Internet has an enormous impact on education, business, healthcare and government. Internet access data was retrieved from the Federal Communications Commission.
How is Everett doing?

The average percentage (rounded up) of the population in Everett in 2016-20200 had better access to the internet than Washington State and the United States.